Journal – September 19, 2021

Published September 18, 2021

Dominion Baptist Church
September 19, 2021 AD

Hebrews 2:9-10

9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone.  10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.


Vs. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. In these words, we have the sum of the gospel and the doctrine of it, concerning the Person and office of the Messiah, asserted, and vindicated from the prejudiced opinions of the Jews under two heads:

  1. That the salvation and deliverance that God had promised and intended to accomplish by the Messiah was spiritual and eternal, from sin, death, Satan, and hell, ending in everlasting glory; not temporal and carnal, as they vainly imagined.                                                                 
  2. That this salvation could not be otherwise brought about except by the incarnation, suffering and death of Messiah. Therefore, the Apostle says here but we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of sin and death.

The Apostle knew that he had now fixed upon that which of all things the Jews most stumbled at, the low mean, and despised condition of Jesus. He was so humbled that He might suffer death, and this by the grace of God. He tasted death for all, that is, for all, those many sons who God by His death intended to bring to glory (vs 10). Those sanctified by Him,whom He calls brethren and children, given Him by God (vs. 11-13) and whom by death He delivers from the fear of death (vs.14,15) even all the seed of Abraham (vs.10). Let us observe Some of the things that are tendered to us for our instruction in these words:

  1. That the care, love, and grace of God unto mankind, expressed in the Person and mediation of Jesus Christ, is a matter of singular and eternal admiration. All God’s regard for man is a fruit of mere sovereign grace and condescension; there was no consideration of anything without God Himself that moved Him thereunto. The assumption of our nature into personal union with the Son of God was an act of mere free, sovereign, inconceivable grace.
  2. Had not God been mindful of man and visited him in the Person of His Son incarnate, everyone partaker of that nature must have utterly perished in their lost condition.
  3. That God is more glorified in the humiliation and exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the salvation of mankind thereby then in any of or all the works of the first creation.
  4. That such was the inconceivable love of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, unto the souls of men, that He was free and willing to condescend unto any condition for their good and salvation. His delights were with the sons of men, and He delighted in the counsel of redeeming and saving them by His own humiliation and suffering. Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be the glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen.
  5. The blessed issue of the abasement of Jesus Christ in His exaltation unto glory and honor is an assured pledge of the final glory and blessedness of all that believe in Him, whatever difficulties, and dangers they may be exercised with on the way.
  6. Jesus Christ as the Mediator of the new covenant has absolute and supreme authority given unto Him over all the works of God in heaven and earth.
  7. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only Lord of the gospel state of the Church, called here the world to come, and therefore He alone has power to dispose of all things in it relating unto that worship of God which it is to perform and celebrate.
  8. The Lord Jesus Christ did in His death undergo the penal sentence of the law, in the room and stead of them for whom he died. Death was that which by the sentence of the law, was due to sinners. He died for them, and in His death tasted of the bitterness of that death which they were to have undergone, or else the fruit of it could not have passed over to them, for what was it towards their discharge if that which they had deserved was not suffered? But this being done, certain deliverances and salvation will be the lot and portion of them—all of them—for whom He died, and that upon the rules of justice and righteousness on the part of Christ, though on theirs of mercy and grace.

Vs. 10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. It was the purpose of God to bring many sons to glory, to do so He made the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings, and all this in a way pleasing to Himself. Now the description of God in these words is clearly of Him being the first cause and the end of all things. God is the supreme Governor and judge of all men, and in the righteousness of His government it becomes Him to bring many sons to glory by the sufferings of the Captain of their salvation. From this we should learn the justice of God requires the punishment of sin and that God’s justice is immutable. There was no way possible to bring sinners into glory except by the sufferings and death of the Son of God who undertook to be the Captain of their salvation. All the saints of God admire, and all the holy angels desire to investigate this great astonishing mystery, that the Son of God, who knew no sin was made sin by imputation, that He should suffer and die under the sentence and curse of the law.

Various are the conceptions of men about this mystery; but let it be sufficient to know that God, the supreme Ruler, Governor, and Judge of all is going to make sure that all sin is punished with death in the sinner or in his surety; therefore, if God would bring many sons to glory, the Captain  of their salvation must undergo sufferings and death, to make satisfaction for them.  It became the righteous God to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. In the cross of Christ God gave an absolute instance of His righteousness and the desert of sin. Sin being imputed to the only begotten Son of God He could not be spared. Since He was made sin, for His people, He must needs be made a curse, if He will take away His people’s iniquities, He must make His soul an offering for sins and bear the punishment due unto them. Nothing but undergoing the wrath of God will bring about an end to sin; how then can God spare sin in His enemies when He could not spare it in His only Son? Had it been possible this cup would have passed from Him but this could not happen and God continue righteous.

The work of bringing many sons to glory is here definitely assigned by the Apostle to God the Father, whose love, wisdom and grace are principally to observe  the whole work of their  salvation, worked out  and accomplished by Jesus Christ. This work is assigned to the Father because:

  1. The eternal destination of the sons unto glory whereunto they are to be brought is of Him. He predestinates them to be conformed into the image of His Son. The electing love of God is the eternal purpose of His good pleasure in the fountain and spring of all other immediate causes of our salvation.
  2. He was the spring and fountain of that covenant that was of old between Himself and His Son about the salvation and glory of the elect.
  3. He signally gave out the first promise, that great foundation of the covenant of grace which was afterwards declared confirmed and ratified by His oath. He is the Author of the covenant the Son being considered as the Surety or Mediator of it.
  4. He gave and sent His Son to be a Savior and Redeemer so that in His whole work, in all that He did and suffered, He obeyed the command and fulfilled the will of the Father.
  5. He draws His elect and enables them to come to the Son, to believe in Him and obtain eternal life, salvation, and glory by Him.
  6. Being reconciled to them by the death of His Son, He reconciles them to Himself by giving pardon and forgiveness of sin in and by the promises of the gospel, without which they cannot come to glory.
  7. He quickens and sanctifies them by His Spirit to make them “meet for the inheritance of the saints in light.”
  8. As the great Father of the family, He adopts them and makes them His sons so that He may bring them to glory.
  9. He confirms them in faith, establishes them in obedience, preserves them, and in manifold wisdom keeps them through His power unto the glory prepared for them.
  10. He gives them the Holy Spirit as their Comforter with all the blessed and unspeakable benefits that attend that gift of His.

Catechism Question 79

Q: What is required in the eighth commandment?
A: The eighth commandment requires the lawful procuring and furthering the wealth and outward estate of ourselves and others.

Genesis 30:30
30 For it was little which thou hadst before I came, and it is now increased unto a multitude; and the Lord hath blessed thee since my coming: and now when shall I provide for mine own house also?

“Prove it” Catechism Question 114

Q: What is prayer?
A: Prayer is asking God for things He has promised to give.

Philippians 4:6
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;